Sunday, November 20, 2011

见证 - 第一课





Sunday, May 22, 2011

Take action

Sometimes I find it strange and funny how people finds no meaning in their life. They think their life sucks, boring, meaningless, not changeling, very stressful, totally thinks they need sympathy, need people to pat them and say things that nice to hear.

Wake up people. You find no meaning in life because you never try to find one. Ironic? but this is the true fact that everyone is trying avoid. People just wanna sit around and wait the good and comfortable, happy and exciting life to arrive at their doors step.

The purpose of living the life here on earth is a journey not a repetition of life that you have been living for thousand years. The life you have now is a journey. Journey to experience what is love, hopes, sadness, joy and strength to work on things that are pleasing to God and to yourself.

There's never a responsibilities of others upon your life. Even our parents are not responsible for what we do and how we live our life. The choices we made reflects of who we are and what is core value. Why do you wanna complain about your job, your life, your colleague, your pay, the government.

Our life is made out of things that cannot be change and things that can be change. Unchangeable = our gender, parents, our blood type (takes up 20% of our life). But things that we can change = our attitude, behavior, faith, confidence, hopes, principles of life (80%).

Wat do you think? do you wanna dwell in the 20% or make effort to live out of 80%?

I guess it's easy to say then action. Start now then, writing down on things that are matters to you and things that simple the stumbling block of your life. What is the priority of your life?

It's your life. It's your choice

set your priority straight.

Know what is priceless and worthless.

Because I personally think that it is sad if you have been living your life according to others standard instead of living for yourself. At the end of the day, it's your choice on how you want to live your life. Complaining doesn't do good, arguing doesn't make it better, ignoring only make it worse. Face your choices and live your decision. Nobody can make you hate your life as they have no rights to control how you want to live it.

People who you hate doesn't give a shit about your life. They just wanna to fuck people around. Do you think they are people who cares when you are in trouble and in needs? So why do you wanna care so much of what these people say. They can only make your life difficult only when you allows them.

Stand up and face your life with dignity and with courage. If your instinct tells you that you are doing the right thing, just do it.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Faith Shattered

Dear God,

Today I cried. For the sake of my family, my parents, my dad, myself, my faith.

I was hurt in the state of unbelievable situation. I was left alone to struggle. I was left alone to chose.

For better or for worse. I let it out. I let it all out.

I don't want to lie.

I don't want to stand in the grey area.

I don't want to hear temptation

I just want a pure confession

I pray that this is coming to an end.

God, hold me tight Lord. Hold me in your hand and never let me God, Lord.

Let me be the strength to the family and myself.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

On and on

today is sunday. tmr will be monday.

the routine is playing on and on again. I'm starting to feel a little be frustrated with myself. Loneliness and emptiness started to creep in.

I felt so helpless and useless on how i feel now.

Is this the pattern of life for me?

I feel so lost and selfless. I am not myself anymore. Trying to pull back some of the pohyi in me but cheryl has slowly becoming my identity.

I cant hold back my fear and loneliness. I wanna scream outloud my wish to go back to pohyi. But i know this is impossible. Pohyi cant survive here, Only Cheryl can. Cheryl has to be strong for her mom, for her job, for her family.

God help me to pull this through. I wanna scream, cry and run. But i cant. because i cant.

Pohyi is trying to be strong. Grant her strength and wisdom Lord to face the temptation of the world.

Stand strong.

Friday, June 25, 2010

God, can i?

The game is on.

Can I really execute in things that I believe I can?
Even I have already try my hardest?
How do I gain trust for people to lay their hope on me?
Can I really bare the responsibility?

Saturday, May 8, 2010





