Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's your life. It's your choice

set your priority straight.

Know what is priceless and worthless.

Because I personally think that it is sad if you have been living your life according to others standard instead of living for yourself. At the end of the day, it's your choice on how you want to live your life. Complaining doesn't do good, arguing doesn't make it better, ignoring only make it worse. Face your choices and live your decision. Nobody can make you hate your life as they have no rights to control how you want to live it.

People who you hate doesn't give a shit about your life. They just wanna to fuck people around. Do you think they are people who cares when you are in trouble and in needs? So why do you wanna care so much of what these people say. They can only make your life difficult only when you allows them.

Stand up and face your life with dignity and with courage. If your instinct tells you that you are doing the right thing, just do it.

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