Saturday, March 20, 2010

Taken for Granted

There are so many time where i wish i have the second chance to undo what i did to avoid the awful feeling of regrets and guilt.

top of the list was my selfishness in taking things for granted. This is something that you will only realized when it really strike you. Suddenly you were left in a situation that are too late to be saved. You wish you should have say something to turn things around. sometimes it takes only few words or action to see that everything that surrounds you can be gone in the clips of an eye.

finally it make you realize that people or things exist for its own purpose, and if you stop appreciating them and starts neglecting, and in the end, it will be to late to start realizing the importance of their existence.

Sorry is only good for healing the surface but the cure for the roots of the pain was to start taking action and thank God for everything that you have.

The New Beginning

The beginning of a journey eventually indicates the end of another journey

This is it...

yesterday was the end of my wonderful time procrastinating in my comfort zone, being protected by family and be loved by friends.

today was the beginning of a journey that by Far only God knows. It may be hard but i know within lies the story that awaits to be discover and emotion yet to be experience.

Being away from a familiar scene and move on to a foreign nature gives me the scent of alienation and it feels exactly like going to a new school. Not knowing the group of people you are belonging and where you are suppose to stand. I guess this is God's way of giving me the new chance to start being who i really am without fearing of the past and the future.

God Bless me.